Missionaries are like the military on the front lines of a fierce battle. These prayers will help them and for you to intercede, specifically and effectively for our and all missionaries.
Intimacy with God. "Lord, Keep _______ close to you. Cause them to love you with all their hearts, souls, and minds. Draw them into your Word each day, and fill them with thankfulness".  (Matt. 22:37; Col. 3:16)

Language.  "Help ________ to learn the language of the people they serve so that they may present the Gospel clearly. May their speech always be seasoned with love".  (Acts 2:11;  1 Cor. 113:1)

Cultural sensitivity.  "Dear Father, enable _________ to understand and appreciate the local customs. Help them to be humble, wise, and respectful as they interact with others so that they will not offend their neighbors or sin against you".  (1 Cor. 10:23 - 32; James 3:17)

Evangelism.  "Great God, equip _______ always to be ready to give an account for the hope that is in them. Teach them how to do so with gentleness and reverence".  (1 Peter 3:15)

Discipleship.  "Lord, help ______ to make disciples who also can teach others so that Your Kingdom will expand".   (2 Tim. 2:2)

Protection. "Lord, I praise You that You do not slumber as You watch over _____ . Grant them good health, and protect them from physical danger. Shield them with Your armor so that they can stand firm against evil. Remind them that You have not given them a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline".  (Ps. 121;  Eph. 6:13;  Tim. 1:7)

Support.  "Father, supply ______'s financial needs fully. Lead others to contribute even before they are asked. Stir up individuals and congregations to be zealous for _____'s well-being, to rejoice and mourn with them, to encourage them while they are in the field, and to refresh them when they are home on leave".   (Phil. 4:19;  2 Cor.7:6-7)

Peace.  "God of all peace, remind ______ not to worry but to commit all their concerns to You. Comfort them when they are homesick. Help them to rejoice in You whatever their circumstance".  (Phil. 4:4-7, 11)

Marriage.  "Cause ______ to honor their marriage and remain faithful to each other in every way. Help them to love one another as You love them so that their relationship will point others to You".  (Heb. 13:4;  John 13:34-35)

Singleness.  "Enable ______ to enjoy undistracted devotion to You. Provide _____ with godly companionship that will give encouragement, support, and a sense of belonging".  (1 Cor. 7:35;  Ps. 68:6)

Children.  "Heavenly Father, draw ______'s children into relationship with you. Enable them to adapt to the culture and deal well with the extra attention they may attract. Grant them good friends, and provide the education they need to fulfill the purposes You have for them. Give _____ wisdom to discern each child's unique needs. Help the children to understand that they too, are witnesses of You".  Matt. 19:14;  Prov. 1:5; 22:6;  Eccl. 4:9-12)

Friends.  "Surround _____ with wise, faithful, and caring friends. May their friends encourage , strengthen, and comfort them with Your truth and bring joy to their lives".  (Prov. 17:17;  27:6, 9;         Acts 27:3; Eccl. 4:9 - 12)

Holiness.  "Holy One, protect ______ from every kind of impurity. Teach them to fear You rather than man. Enable them to resist the compromises that may be present in the surrounding culture so that they can shine like stars in the universe as they hold out the Word of Life".   (Eph. 5:3;  Gal. 1:10;  Phil.2:15-16)

Unity.  "God, the evil one wants to destroy the unity of the believers where ______ serve. Help _____, their fellow missionaries, and the local believers daily to exercise hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love for one another".   (Col. 3:12 - 15)

Local Peace.  "King of kings, grant ____ favor with the officals and those in authority where they serve so that they may lead tranquil lives of godliness and holiness".   (1 Tim. 2:2)

More Workers.  "Lord of the harvest, please send out more workers to help ____ serve in the place to which You have called them".   (Matt. 9:38)

Fruitfulness.  "Might God, cause ______ not to lose heart in doing good. As they seek the growth of Your kingdom, let them see the fruits of their labors".  (Gal. 6:9;  Col. 1:10)