Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Growing into a perfect man

with Brother Clint Terwilliger
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Why are cowboy hats curled up on the side?  So they can fit three wide in the pickup truck.

Today’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:17, Romans 8:5-7, Hebrews 6:1 and Ephesians 4:12

There are no perfect men.  The word tells us in Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.

It is also true that God created mankind in His image and likeness. Yet mankind sinned and fell away from God.

Since that day, mankind has looked for a way to come back to God. To please Him and find favor in His eyes. Everyone of our efforts have been complete failures … save one.
Many work and work believing their works will find God’s favor. Helping ladies across the street, painting someone’s house, mowing someone’s yard; these are all “nice” things. They are not the works the Father is looking for.

 Don’t misunderstand, helping our brothers and sisters is what Christian men should do. We are equally called to do these things.
The good works the Father is looking for, the ones that will get us the “good and faithful servant” in Matthew 25:23 are those works that saves souls.
All of us will live eternally. The age old question we have to ask our self’s is where? Where will we spend eternity?

The answer to that question. Do we work hard storing up the things of this world, things that can rust, be stolen from us and end up spending eternity in a hell that was designed for satan or, do we work to store up treasurers in heaven? We if we are blessed, spend 80 – 90 -100 years in this temporal world. Then eternity.
Men, we must accept Jesus Christ as out Lord and our Savior. Nothing we do in this world is more important.

Once we come to Christ doesn’t mean this ugly old world is going to be good. Look at the Apostle Paul. Paul suffered three shipwrecks, adrift on the open sea. He was imprisoned and repeatedly flogged and beaten as well as stoned. Most of us will never face any trials like these. God doesn’t stop a lot of the bad things we and others go through, remember mankind chose free will over God. God did promise, just as He did with Paul, that He would walk through every one of our trials with us. We are never alone.
Men we must strive to continue to grow in our walk with Jesus. We must develop our relationship with the Lord. In doing so, we will come to know the things the Father would have us to do.
Word of the month: Perfect – defined in the old greek as accomplished, complete.
          To be perfect is to complete or accomplish that which the Father has for us to do in this world.

It is time to “Cowboy up”!

with Brother Clint Terwilliger
February 3rd, 2024

“What can you tell about a well-dressed man? - His wife chooses his clothes.”

Today’s Reading: Luke 2 : 51 – 52,  Heb. 6 : 1 –  3,  Eph. 4 : 4  –  17 and Rom. 7 : 14- 25, 8 : 1 – 2

Why did I come to Jesus Christ? Because after walking in this sinful world for some years and being blessed by God to make it into my late teens, early twenties; I discovered there really is a devil’s hell. I also decided I did not want to end up there. The paths many men walk will surely deliver them there though.
Many men battle with our Christian walk. We do not want the end result of living for this world but … we are resistive to the Christian life. Why?
The Apostle Paul may have said it best in his letter to the early Roman church when he says: “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but rather I do the very thing I hate.” Rom. 7:15
We find ourselves asking “How then is it, if I have accepted Jesus Christ and His spirit is really within me, that I continue to sin?

There is an old story about a young boy that had to return home for something he had forgotten. He asked his friend with him to go along. Upon arrival there was a horribly scared and disfigured man splitting wood. The lad collected the forgotten item and as the two boys walked away the second asked the first who that ugly, disgusting, man was. The first boy replied, “oh he’s just our woodsman.”
 Just a few short years before there had been a horrific house fire. The “woodsman” had wrapped the first boy in his own clothing and carried him to safety at the expense of his own body. The woodsman was the boy’s father. A father that sacrificed himself for his son. Who and what was the boy ashamed of?

Men, are we not sometimes like the first boy? Jesus suffered an incredibly horrible, disfiguring beating(s) (scourging) and was then nailed to a cross. To suffer a most painful death for us. Yet when confronted with the opportunity to proclaim who He is … our Savior! We shirk away. Do not feel alone men. Jesus’s own disciple Peter denied Christ three (3) times! Why? Let’s face it, we are afraid. Afraid of what those in the world will think of us. Afraid of not being accepted by the world. Being seen as weak by men of the world. Because we are still part of the world, and our worldly friends still partake of the things of the world, and we want to be accepted. To be liked by the world. Accepted? Where? By whom? Remember men, eternity is forever. Where will you spend it? Is it better to enjoy a few short years in this world or to enjoy an eternity with the one that loved you so much that He suffered and died for you?

Accepting the Christian life is a challenge men. A real challenge. I have done and accomplished things in this world that others look upon and marvel at. Nothing I have accomplished in this world is as hard as developing and continuing my Christian walk. The world, the devil, will come against us and our loved ones at every opportunity! Our battle every day is to mature our walk and faith in Jesus. We accomplish this by building our relationship with Jesus. Through prayer, reading God’s word and our association with other Christian men.
Become the men God meant and wants us to be! Are you reading God’s word every day? Are you spending just a few minutes in prayer every day? Start by just reading and praying a few minutes every day. It takes diligence and effort. Real men can do it.

Word of the Month: Maturing      Maturity in terms of the Greek word often translated “perfect,” but the meaning is “fully formed” or “brought to completion,” and that takes time.

Another Saga of “God is a Mountain Man”

          with Brother Clint Terwilliger

January 6th, 2024

I want to start this month’s gathering with a special thank you to Brother Ruben and our great kitchen crew. We thank you all so much for the wonderful meals you have been making. You are all a blessing.

“Did you know, lucifer was so dumb … he back slid before there was a devil”

Today’s reading:  Genesis 2:14 - 22

This message is titled: “Back down the mountain”.
Why is God a mountain man you ask. Well God just seems to meet man on mountains.  We know Elijah met with God on Mt. Horeb. Moses met with God on Mt. Sinai. The word tells us that Elijah, Moses and Jesus will come again on the Mount of Transfiguration. In the life of Abraham as recorded in Genesis, Abraham was told by God to take Issac his son up on “a mountain I will show you”.

In each of these experiences on a mountain, God showed himself to man. In each of the Old Testament encounters God gave man a glimpse of Himself and His all power, all presence, and all knowledge. In each experience God provided what man needed, when he needed it, by way of the Holy Spirit.

We also see that God never ask man to do something He would not do. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son … God did too. Issac also was an example of what was to come. Issac was a willing sacrifice. Jesus was a willing sacrifice for all mankind.

Men, we have the opportunity to serve an awesome God! A god that simply spoke and all the stars in the heavens were created. A God that created us in His image!

God loves us all so much that each of our families are blessed every day through Jesus Christ our Lord!

God's Glory

with Brother Cint Terwilliger
Dec. 2, 2023

Last Deer season, a lawyer, a doctor, and the a preacher went hunting. As they were walking, along came a big buck. The three of them shot at the same time and the buck dropped immediately. The hunting party rushed to see how big it was. Upon reaching the fallen deer, they found out that it was dead but only had one bullet hole. A debate followed concerning whose buck it was. When a game warden came by, he offered to help. A few moments later, he had the answer. He said with much confidence, "The pastor shot the buck!" The friends were amazed that he could determine that so quickly and with so little examination. The game warden just smiled. "It was easy to figure out. The bullet went in one ear and out the other."

Today's readings:  Exodus 33: 18-22,  Luke 2:8-9,  John 8:30,  2 Cor 3:18

God’s glory is a magnificent thing. So powerful is God’s glory that mankind cannot even gaze upon it and live. Yet mankind needs to glorify God with everything they have and in all things.
Our Heavenly Father wants to spread his glory all over us. Just as He did with Moses on Mt. Sinai. When Moses returned to the people the glory of God shown all around him like the brightest light. God has found Moses Holy. Likewise, we must become holy men of God if we desire to receive the glory of God.
Even Jesus told His followers, that in this life He was not yet glorified. His followers did get to see Jesus in his glory when he ascended into heaven.
With the Christmas season upon us we all focused on the birth of our Lord and Savior. Let us all focus on the glory of God and strive to be holy men of God so that we can receive His glory in all we do. This path to glory is a journey for all of us.
Like the lowly caterpillar, it crawls through its life until it enters a stage of change. When the change is completed, it has become a beautiful Butterfly. The Butterfly does not crawl around anymore but flies from flower to flower, plant to plant, spreading pollen to grow more flowers and fruit.
We too when we accept Jesus, go through a metamorphosis, a change. When the change is completed, we too can go from person to person and spreading the good news and producing more believers.
We wish you all a very, merry Christmas.

Word of the Month:  Glory - to "honor" rather than "praise" in such places as In 8.50; In 8.54; Ac 12.23; Heb 3.3; and it probably has the meaning of "worship" in Rom 1.23and Rev 14.7.

God's Misfits

With Brother Clint Terwilliger
Nov. 4th, 2023

Has everyone heard the joke: One day the dinosaurs were standing up on the mountain top playing in the rain as Noah and the ark floated by. They looked at each other and said, “was that today”. They were misfits.

Today's reading:      Hebrews 11 : 32 - 34          Judges 11 : 32 - 34

Well, down through the annuls of time we have all seen things we don’t understand. Why? Because they don’t fit. They don’t fit into what we think or perceive as being “the right thing”.
Things that supernaturally, simply, do not fit into the natural mind of man. We often discount these impossible things as lies or fables.
Yet throughout the Bible, God does the impossible. Parting the Red Sea for the children of Israel so they could not only cross over, but to do so on dry ground! Allowing a young lad (David) to slay a giant of a man.
God accomplishes these things using some of the most unnatural men. “Misfits” to some.
Men thrown or chased out of their own families. Men who were refused their inheritance by men they knew as brothers. Men who simply did not fit into someone else’s definition of what was right or normal.
In today’s reading we learned about Jephthah. He was a Gileadite, a mighty warrior and, the son of a prostitute. An outcast. A “misfit”. Not only by his tribe but his own family. Again, God did the unnatural in man’s mind and used Jephthah to deliver His people Israel from their enemy.
How often we forget how the son of a simple Hebrew carpenter was used by God to be the savior of all mankind. Unnatural in the minds of man. Possibly even seen as a misfit by some. The illegitimate child of an unwed woman by still others. Yet perfect in God’s planning and time. The perfect man for an imperfect world. Who died a death designed for the imperfect and misfits of the world.
God has a perfect plan. God’s timing is always perfect. There is nothing imperfect, unnatural or, misfit with God. We will not understand everything that happens in our lives, in our world, every situation, in every way. For we are mortal. Through faith, we must trust the Father and his plan for everything.

Men we are reminded to pray for the land and people of Israel. Not just during this time of war and it is a war. But also in times of peace.  
Genesis 12:3 KJV: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Word of the Month:  Love - 1 John 3:16-18 “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.

Your Circle of Influence

With Pastor Denny Taylor
May 6th, 2023

Update: Brother Clint is still in rehabilitation, recovering from his broken leg, surgery and other painful items after his accident. We are all praying for a swift and complete healing. It was difficult today to attempt to fill Brother Clint's shoes in the kitchen. With Clint's Grandson Ruben stepping in to help we were still able to produce a good filling breakfast. Even though Dennis, in his impassioned impatience burned some of the biscuits there was plenty for all. God continues to be good.
We thank Pastor Denny Taylor for accepting our last minute request for a message for today.

Today's Reading:  Romans 14 : 7 and 12 - 13.

Ever throw a rock into a pond? Watch as the ripples spread out? How eventually the circle of ripples reach every part of the pond? This example is much like our lives.  We see ourselves as just a small rock in the grand scheme of things. Yet if we were thrown into a pond, our ripples, "our affect" would eventually reach every part of the pond. At some point the ripple is small and seemingly has no affect and initially the ripple is large and affects everything! Kind of like some Christians. They start out all gang busters, making big ripples. Then slowly, gradually, they become small ripples. Making less and less impact on the lives around them.

Such is our affect in life. We all, knowingly or unknowingly, touch (affect) those around us. Think back to last Sunday morning. How many people did you say "Good Morning!" to? How many hands did you shake? How many of the brothers and sisters did you give a hearty christian hug to? To those brothers and sisters you made a positive affect. How many did you shy away from? Purposely avoided? Or just "well i don't know them so I won't say hello" to? Those ripples were not so positive.
Think about your personal family. What ripples do we make with them? Are we teaching them to make the affect we as Christians should be making? Or, are they mirroring our sometimes weak and avoiding ripples? Remember men, we are the heads of our households, our homes, our families. We, we are and will be held to account for what we teach. By word, by actions or, inaction's.

We were presented with three (3) challenges in Pastor Denny's lesson.

1. Be aware of our circles.  Matthew 5 : 13 - 16 speaks of "You are the salt of the earth ...: and "You are the light of the world." Our actions and inactions are seen and felt, by those around us. Just like the stone thrown into a pond and the ripples it creates. It eventually touches everything in the pond. As we go about our day. We are often unaware of those we have in some way touched. Was the contact favorable? Did it improve that persons day? Did they for even just a brief moment see God in our contact? Then the ripple you made was what the Lord would want. What if it wasn't? What if we let that person get to us? As men of God, our responses come from our hearts. What is in your heart?

2. Enlarge your circle.  People come into our lives for three (3) periods of time. A reason, a season and a lifetime.
A reason ... our ripple touches people, usually for short periods of time. It could be for anything. Something good, something not so good. You are in need of help or someone needs your help. Be ready to respond in this time of reason. Accept the help or lend the help as needed. It is difficult sometimes times when the Lord brings someone into your life for a reason. You develop a bond and then that person or persons is gone. Understand men, it was for a reason. If we are wise men of God we will accept the will of God and that which we received or gave during that reason.
A season ... our ripple contacts these people longer. But like life, seasons change. They come and they go. In our lives we build around seasons. We build stronger roofs for rainy seasons and a different covering during sunny seasons. So it is with the circle of people we contact during the seasons of our lives. The contacts we make during seasons in our lives can become dear friends or real mission fields. But God has brought them into our lives for a purpose. To enrich us, for us to enrich their lives. For us as a group to learn, grow and or develop.
A lifetime ... these people. The people that God brings into our lives for a lifetime.  No matter where we go, how long we are there, that circle, that ripple that represents our lifetime. Some life long friends you build in an instant. You just meet them and its like you've always known them. Others, you grew up with. You have known them (and they you) all of your lives. If they are not family, they are family through the blood of Christ. You have and will continue to  affected each other through out your lives.
Like the rock thrown into the pond. God expects each of us to have contact with others during all these times. To use these connections to grow in God, to share God's love, receive God's blessings.
3. Be willing to fight for those in your circle.  John 10 : 10 tells us "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly".
No matter where people are in your circle (Reason, Season, Lifetime) be prepared to fight for these people. God has brought them into your circle. We should consider them "our" responsibility. We should be praying for them every time we think about them. Make it a point to reach out to them. Let them know that you are praying for them.
People are important to God. Enough so that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3 : 16). So when God sends someone into your life respect the gift from the Father. Are People important to you? Because they sure are to God.
When we pray for those in our circles. Don't stop at just one prayer and tell yourself "well I did pray". PRAY UNTIL YOUR GET WHAT YOUR PRAYING FOR! We don't get to see or know God's whole time line. People in our lives are all on the some time line with us. Some for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. We must pray until each of these are completed. Pray, pray and then pray some more. Never stop praying for those in your circles. You will never know how close you are to receiving what you are praying for until it happens. What if you give up, just one prayer before God is going to give it to you?

Parting thought. We've talked about how throwing a rock into a pond creates ripples, circles, that eventually touch everything in the pond. That these circles represent our lives. How our lives contact and touch so many others and how these contacts affect those we touch.
Imagine now if you will. If we, our Men's group was a handful of gravel ( for we are many) thrown into the pond! How many ripples, circles would that create? It would be like if everyone of us reached out to every person we come in contact with!
What if we used those circles for the Kingdom of God!?

Thank you Pastor Denny!

See you Sunday men!