
Pastors & Staff

Jimmy and Cathy Smith

Head Pastors

"Pastor and Miss Cathy love the Lord and serve him with all their hearts. Pastor Jim is a dynamic preacher who is Spirit lead. His sermons change hearts and inspire believers" 

Darla Carns

Childrens Ministry

Planting seeds of sound doctrine and fun! Helping our children grow.

Trevor & Hailee Alexander

Youth Ministries

Reaching our Teens for Christ!

Janette Mears

Womens Ministry

Our Women's ministry is a powerful, moving group of women, on fire for the Lord!

Levi and Nadine Somers

Young Adults

Young adults, we want to do life together. 

Clint Terwilliger

Men's ministry

Our men meet the first Saturday of every month for breakfast and Bible study. The meal nourishes the body and the message always nourishes the soul.  Additionally we meet once a month to just be men before Jesus.